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Faithful Heart Terate Brotherhood Organization of Pencak Silat is centered in Madiun

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Pencak Silat asli Indonesia PSHT berdiri pada tanggal 1922 di MadiunPersaudaraan itulah sebutan dari anggota Pencak Silat PSHT Dalam aplikasi ini berisi materi diantaranya :1.Profil PSHT+ Pengurus Pusat PSHT+ Tujuan Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate+ Arti dan Makna Lambang PSHT+ Profil Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate2. Sejarah PSHT+ Biografi Mas Taufik, Ketua Umum SH Terate Pusat Madiun+ Pentjak Silat – The History which its related with PSHT+ H. Tarmadji Boedi Harsono (Catatan Perjalanan)+ Masa Riwayat RM. Imam Koesoepangat+ Riwayat Singkat Ki Ngabei Ageng Soerodiwirdjo (Eyang Suro)+ Gerak Langkah Pendekar Pilangbangau3. Pendiri Padepokan SH Terate4. Tokoh PSHT+ Berita duka menyelimuti bumi PSHT+ Pendiri Padepokan WESI AJI PSHT Semarang+ Ketua dan Pembina Padepokan Wesi Aji PSHT Semarang+ Pendekar PSHT Cabang Mojokerto+ H. Tarmadji Boedi Harsono (Catatan Perjalanan)+ Masa Riwayat RM. Imam Koesoepangat+ R.M. Soetomo Mangkoedjojo5. Olah Rasa PSHT+ 9 Wasiat Mas Madji Untuk Warga SH Terate+ Fatwa Dewan Pusat SH Terate Sambut 1 Suro 1437 H+ Wasiat Ketua Umum SH Terate untuk 1 Suro 1433 H+ Pribadi SH+ Saudaraku+ Memayu Hayuning Bawono Dimulai Dari Keluarga+ Kehidupan Kekal Dalam Ajaran di PSHT + Mengupas Jati Diri+ Kebersamaan PSHT dan PSH Tunas Muda Winongo+ Suka duka melatih dan dilatih untuk PSHT+ Menjaring Matahari Terbit+ Loyalitas Warga Setia Hati Terate+ Surodiro Joyoningrat Lebur Dening Pangastuti+ Menjadi SH adalah Pilihan+ Perbandingan Antara Ilmu dan Harta+ Bunga Teratai+ Kautamaning Laku+ Ajaran Filsafat Hidup Aksara Jawa+ Makna Persaudaraan Di Gelanggang Pertandingan+ Kesalahan Yang Sering Dilakukan Atlit PSHT + Persaudaraan sebagai Nilai Manusiawi+ 8 sifat sempurna manusia SH Terate+ Tanda Tanda Sebelum Kita Meninggal+ Tak Ada Gading Yang Tak Retak+ Persaudaraan Adalah Cerminan Hati6. Gambar Padepokan7. Cabang PSHT+ Daftar Alamat & Ketua Cabang PSHT se-Indonesia + Profil Cabang Denpasar – Bali+ Daftar Komisariat Luar Negeri8. Falsafah9. Senjata10. Semboyan11. Tingkatan12. Senjata13. Penambahan materi IPSI+ Versi Updet+ Pengembangan aplikasi+ Penambahan materi guna menambah ilmu dan pengetahuan diantaranya :+ Doa-doa Islam + Amalan Sunnah Rosul+ Yasin Tahlil dan Istighosah + Panduan Sholat Lengkap+ Kitab Sirrul Asror + Ruqiyah Mandiri+ Kumpulan Sholawat Nabi+ Kumpulan Kisah IslamiSemoga aplikasi kami dapat bermanfaat Jika ada masukan dan saran mohon kirmkan lewat Email kami di; [email protected] PersaudaraanOriginal Indonesian Pencak Silat PSHT was established on 1922 at Madiun Brotherhood is the term for members of Pencak Silat PSHTIn this application contains material including:1. PSHT Profile+ PSHT Central Management+ Purpose of the Faithful Brotherhood of the Heart of Terate+ Meaning and Meaning of the PSHT Coat+ Profile of the Faithful Heart of Terate Brotherhood2. History of PSHT+ Biography Mas Taufik, General Chair of SH Terate Pusat Madiun+ Pentjak Silat - The History which its related with PSHT+ H. Tarmadji Boedi Harsono (Travel Notes)+ Period of RM History. Imam Koesoepangat+ Brief History of Ki Ngabei Ageng Soerodiwirdjo (Eyang Suro)+ Swordsman Pilangbangau Steps3. Founder of Padepokan SH Terate4. PSHT figures+ Breaking news envelops the earth PSHT+ Founder of Padepokan WESI AJI PSHT Semarang+ Chairperson and Trustee of Padepokan Wesi Aji PSHT Semarang+ Pendekar PSHT, Mojokerto Branch+ H. Tarmadji Boedi Harsono (Travel Notes)+ Period of RM History. Imam Koesoepangat+ R.M. Soetomo Mangkoedjojo5. Taste the PSHT+ 9 Mas Madjis Testament For SH Terate Residents+ Fatwa Central Council of SH Terate Welcomes 1 Suro 1437 H+ Testament General Chairperson of Terate for 1 Suro 1433 H+ Personal SH+ Brother+ Memayu Hayuning Bawono Starting From Family+ Eternal Life in Teachings at PSHT+ Peeling the Self+ Togetherness of PSHT and PSH Tunas Muda Winongo+ The joys of training and being trained for PSHT+ Catching the Rising Sun.+ Loyalty of Loyal Hearts Citizens of Terate+ Surodiro Joyoningrat Lebur Dening Pangastuti+ Become SH is a Choice+ Comparison between Science and Assets+ Lotus flower+ Kautamaning behavior+ The Doctrine of the Philosophy of Life of the Javanese Script+ The Meaning of Brotherhood at the Match Arena+ Errors that are often done by Athletes PSHT+ Brotherhood as Human Values+ 8 perfect human characteristics SH Terate+ Signs Before We Die+ No Ivory that doesnt crack+ Brotherhood is a Reflection of the Heart6. Picture of Padepokan7. PSHT Branch+ Address List & Chairperson of PSHT Branch in Indonesia+ Profile of Denpasar - Bali Branch+ List of Foreign Commissarians8. Philosophy9. Weapon10. Motto11. Levels12. Weapons13. Add IPSI material + Updet Version + Application development+ Addition of material to increase knowledge and knowledge including:+ Islamic prayers+ Practice the Sunnah Rosul+ Yasin Tahlil and Istighosah+ Complete Prayer Guide+ Sirrul Asror Book+ Ruqiyah Mandiri+ Collection of Sholawat of the Prophet + Collection of Islamic stories Hopefully our application can be usefulIf there is input and suggestion please send it via Email we at; [email protected] Greetings Brotherhood + Perbaikan Kesalahan+ Pengembangan Aplikasi

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